Unreached of Day: 2021-2-12

Ziban Bedouin in Algeria

Ziban Bedouin in Algeria

Since the Arab Conquest in the seventh century, the Ziban Bedouins have roamed the vast Saharan Desert of Algeria in small family clans. They are a strong nomadic people who know how to find water in the desert for their animals. They live in tents made from woven goat hair. Being Muslim, many maintain the daily ritual of praying five times a day. If they break the rules of their society each clan selects a sheik to determine whether or not they are guilty. If a person is found guilty, they use the laws of the Koran as their guide. They consider it to be below their dignity to be forced to live settled lives and become farmers. However, many Ziban are being forced to adapt to a more sedentary life, especially as their region becomes dryer.

Ministry Obstacles

Their nomadic life and strong sense of independence enhanced with their Islamic identity have made them unwilling to accept outside ideas.

Outreach Ideas

Committed believers need to lovingly explain the life of Jesus to them in their Hassaniyya language, show them the JESUS Film and provide them with gospel recordings of the Bible.

Scripture Focus

"Be exalted, O LORD, in your strength! We will sing and praise your power."  Psalm 21:13

Scripture Prayer

Pray that this people group will rejoice in the Lord with singing and celebration when they see His mighty acts of mercy and salvation.

Prayer Focus

Pray for the Lord to send dreams to Ziban elders. Pray that leaders and individuals of the Ziban clans would be reached so they can lead their people to the Lord.

Ziban Bedouin in Algeria

People Name: Ziban Bedouin
Pronunciation:ZEE-bahn BEH-doo-in
Country: Algeria
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 21,000
World Population: 21,000
Language: Arabic, Algerian Saharan
Primary Religion: Islam
Christian Adherent: 0.00%
Evangelical: 0.00%
Bible: Portions
Ministry Resources: No
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
Status: Unreached
Progress Level:
Progress Gauge

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